Friday, August 19, 2011

One word substitues- I (Persons) - ANSWERS

1. Anthropologist

2. Misogamist

3. Polyandry

4. Theist

5. Misogynist

6. peadiatrician

7. Altruist

8. Psychiatrist

9. Pedagogue

10. Cacogrpahist

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Antonyms Test - 1

1. A. indubitable

2. D. esoteric

3. E. volatile

4. A. doubtful

5. E. ostentatious

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Test yourself on these homophones

1. Here

2. Hear

3. Past

4. No

5. Allowed

6. Tales

7. Knew

8. Site

9. whether

10. Board

Monday, July 26, 2010

Homonyms Test - July 26, 2010

1. too, their

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(their) - a pronoun that shows possession
(there) - either an introductory word or an adverb meaning: in that place.

2. to, too

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(two) - always a number

3. its

(its) - a pronoun that shows possession
(it's) - a contraction of it & is

4. no, know

5. there, to

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(their) - a pronoun that shows possession
(they're) - a contraction of they & are
(there) - either an introductory word or an adverb meaning: in that place.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Test your Phrasal Verbs - July 23, 2010

1. Act up

2. Add up

3. Ask

4. Back out of

5. Back up

6. Calm down

7. Lay off

8. Wait up for

9. Get along

10. Pass up