Monday, July 26, 2010

Homonyms Test - July 26, 2010

1. too, their

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(their) - a pronoun that shows possession
(there) - either an introductory word or an adverb meaning: in that place.

2. to, too

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(two) - always a number

3. its

(its) - a pronoun that shows possession
(it's) - a contraction of it & is

4. no, know

5. there, to

(to) - preposition: in the direction of
(too) - adverb: besides; also; exceed
(their) - a pronoun that shows possession
(they're) - a contraction of they & are
(there) - either an introductory word or an adverb meaning: in that place.

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