Thursday, July 22, 2010

Analogy - I - September 11, 2009

1. horn
The relationship between the first pair of words is that ROOSTER CROWS. Of the choices provided to complete the second half of the analogy, only horn has a similar relationship to honks: a horn honks.

2. topaz
Ruby is red, and topaz is yellow.

3. liger
The offspring of a male donkey and a mare is a mule, and the offspring of a male lion and female tiger is a liger.

4. stones
Cards are used in Cribbage, and stones are used in the game Go.

5. surroundings
Clever and pawky are synonyms, as are entourage and surroundings.

6. lariat
Neuter and worker are synonyms, as are riata and lariat.

7. Laos
The yen is used in Japan, & the kip is used in Laos.

8. waves
The Hawthorne Effect dealt with the behavior of people who are being observed, and the Doppler Effect dealt with waves.

9. pacifist
Ninny and sage are antonyms, as are pugilist and pacifist.

10. stalagmite
This was a nonsemantic analogy. Nazirite is the same as Nazi, but with an additional letter and 'ite' added at the end, and this is also true of stalag and stalagmite.

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