Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Wonder of Words - September 19, 2009

1. compete
To compete; to strive for superiority; to put forth great effort to outdo others.

2. diminish
To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; to lessen, diminish, or decrease.

3. tolerate
To put up with; to bear with; to tolerate; to endure. This word is nearly always used with negative construction, as with no or not.

Cautious; wary; watchful; sparing in giving or expending.

5. two-handed versatility
Able to use both hands equally well; unusually skillful; versatile: an ambidextrous pianist.

6. hate
To dislike, or to hate, someone or something very much.

7. Debatable
Debatable; originally, in Anglo Saxon days a "townmoot" was a town meeting for purposes of debate and discussion. Today a moot question or a moot point in law is one that is debatable and disputable and not yet settled.

8. Inheritance
Inheritance of money or property from a father or other ancestor including estates which have descended or been devised in a direct line from the father, and, by extension, from the mother or other ancestor.

9. impenetrable
Incapable of being penetrated; for example, a material which is impervious to water; and incapable of being affected; also, remaining unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, arguments, or suggestions; such as, being impervious to criticism.

10. Shining
Shining; resplendent; radiant.

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