Thursday, July 22, 2010

Analogy Test - February 10, 2010

1. notorious : renowned
Captious (meaning "fault-finding") and tolerant are antonyms.Notorious (meaning "known unfavorably") and renowned are also antonyms.Note that the other four pairs are synonyms.

2. grass : lawns

3. grapes : wine
Juice from apples when fermented gives a drink called cider.Similarly, juice from grapes when fermented gives a drink called wine.

4. narcotic : drowsiness
This is simply a cause and effect relationship. Just as alcohol causes intoxication, a narcotic causes drowsiness.

5. possible : quixotic
Practical and idealistic are opposite in meaning. Possible and quixotic are also antonyms. In fact, quixotic means idealistic and practical means possible.

6. entrepreneur : profits
An employee works for wages. Similarly, an entrepreneur works for profits.

7. altruist : generosity
A philanthropist, being a lover of mankind, is characterized by his benevolence. In the same way, an altruist being interested in helping others is characterized by his generosity.

8. monologue : drama
Solo is the piece in which only one person sings or plays in a musical performance. Monologue (or soliloquy) is the part in which only one person speaks in a drama.

9. erosion : rocks
Corrosion of metals is analogous to erosion of rocks because both involve wearing away of materials.

10. encyclopedia : facts
A thesaurus may be used to look up synonyms. Similarly, an encyclopedia may be used to look up facts.

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